Felipe H. Maglietti, MD-PhD

Actual position

Research Scientist at Instituto Universitario del Hospital Italiano – CONICET.

PhD thesis under direction

ECT y GET en medicina veterinaria. Estudiante: Matías Tellado, médico veterinario. Doctorado en Veterinaria, Facultad de Cs. Veterinarias, UBA.


  • PhD. in Medicine, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2016. Thesis title: “Electrochemotherapy of tumors”. Summa Cum Laude.
  • Ophthalmology Residency, Hospital General de Agudos Juan A. Fernández, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010-2012. (unfinished)
  • Medical Doctor, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2010. Grade point average: 8.95. Failing grades: zero (0). 


  • 2016-2019 Post-doctoral fellowship from CONICET. 
  • 2010-2016 Doctoral fellowship from CONICET. Doctorado en Medicina, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Beca Tipo II.


  • Electroporation as the Immunotherapy Strategy for Cancer in Veterinary Medicine: State of the Art in Latin America. Maglietti F, Tellado M, De Robertis M, Michinski S, Fernández J, Signori E, Marshall G.Vaccines. 2020 Sep;8(3):537. DOI: 10.3390/vaccines8030537.
  • Electrochemotherapy in treatment of canine oral malignant melanoma and  factors influencing treatment outcome. Tellado M, Maglietti F, Michinski S, Marshall G, Signori E. Radiology and Oncology. 2020. DOI: 10.2478/raon-2020-0014
  • Minimally invasive electrochemotherapy procedure for treating nasal duct tumors in dogs using a single needle electrode. F Maglietti, M Tellado, N Olaiz, S Michinski, G Marshall. Radiology and Oncology. 2017. DOI: 10.1515/raon-2017-0043
  • pH fronts and tissue natural buffer interaction in gene electrotransfer protocols. M Marino, N Olaiz, E Signori, F Maglietti, C Suarez, S Michinski, G Marshall. Electrochimica Acta 255: 463-471. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2017.09.021
  • Electrochemotherapy immune response enhancement by gene electrotransfer using IL-2 and IL-12 genes in canine patients. F Maglietti, S Michinski, S Emanuela, M Tellado, G Marshall. European Journal of Cancer 61, S210.DOI: 10.1016/S0959-8049(16)61741-0
  • Combined local and systemic bleomycin administration in electrochemotherapy for reducing the number of treatment sessions. Maglietti F, Tellado M, Olaiz N, Michinski S, Marshall G. Radiology and Oncology. 50 (1). 2016. DOI:10.1515/raon-2016-0015
  • The Role of Additional Pulses in Electropermeabilization Protocols. Suarez C, Soba A, Maglietti F, Olaiz N, Marshall G. PloS ONE. 2014. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113413.
  • Amelanotic melanoma of the root of the tongue in a canine patient treated by electrochemotherapy. Maglietti F, Michinski S, Ricotti I, Maure P, Mir LM, Olaiz N, Marshall G. Journal of Analytical Oncology. 2014. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6000/1927-7229.2014.03.04.6.
  • Canine Oral Eosinophilic Granuloma Treated with Electrochemotherapy. Tellado M, Michinski S, Olaiz N, Maglietti F, Marshall G. Hindawi Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine. 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/519197.
  • The role of pH fronts in tissue electroporation based treatments. Maglietti F, Michisnki S, Olaiz N, Castro M, Suarez C, Marshall G. PLoS ONE 8(11): e80167. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0080167. 2013.
  • Tissue damage modeling in gene electrotransfer: the role of pH. Olaiz N, Signori E, Maglietti F, Soba A, Suarez C, Turjanski P, Michinski S, Marsall G. Journal of Bioelectrochemistry, doi: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2014.05.001. 2014
  • Mathematical modelling of human glioma growth based on brain tolopological structures: Study of two clinical cases. Cecilia Suárez, Felipe Maglietti, Mario Colonna, Karina Breitburd, Guillermo Marshall. PloS ONE 7(6) e39616. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039616. 2012.
  • The Role of pH Fronts in Reversible Electroporation. Pablo Turjanski, Nahuel Olaiz, Felipe Maglietti, Sebastian Michinski, Cecilia Suárez, Fernando Victor Molina, Guillermo Marshall. PLoS ONE 6(4): e17303.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017303
  • Electrochemical treatment of tumors using a one-probe two-electrode device. N. Olaiz, F. Maglietti, C. Suárez, F.V. Molina, D. Miklavcic, L. Mir, G. Marshall.  Electrochimica Acta, Volume 55, Issue 20, pp. 6010-6014. 2010. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2010.05.057


  • Single Needle Electrode (SiNE®) for electroporation based treatments – patent in process. (2015)


  • 1st Prize, Young Investigator Award. 3erd World Congress on Electroporation. September 3-6,2019. Toulouse, France. 
  • IB50k Third Prize: Technology-based Innovations, UN Cuyo, Instituto Balseiro y Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Bariloche 2016. For the results presented: “Canine oral malignant melanoma treated with electrochemotherapy”
  • IB50k Special Prize: Social and Business Center for Innovation, UN Cuyo, Instituto Balseiro y Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Bariloche 2016.
  • IB50k 50k Special Prize: Major Social Impact, Secretaría de Políticas Universitarias, UN Cuyo, Instituto Balseiro y Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Bariloche 2016.
  • Innovar 2014: Presentación en el catálogo de: “Campos eléctricos pulsantes aplicados a la producción de alimentos». Surano B, Maglietti F, Molina FV, Marshall G.

Awarded Presentations 

  • I Congreso Internacional de Medicina Interna de Animales de Compañía (CIMAC). Poster 1st price: “Electroquimioterapia como herramienta terapéutica en melanoma oral en caninos”. Tellado M, Maglietti F, Olaiz N, Michinski S, Marshall G. 2014.
  • XXII Jornadas Veterinarias en Pequeños Animales, editorial InterMédica. Poster 1st price: “Electroquimioterapia como herramienta terapéutica en neoplasias orales caninas”, Tellado M, Maglietti F, Michinski S. Buenos Aires, 2013.

Technological Transfer


2017 – International Society for Electroporation-based technologies and treatments (ISEBTT)

2016 – Founder Member of  Grupo Interdisciplinario de Oncología Comparada (GIONCO – AMA)

2015 – Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS)

2015 – The European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)

2014 – Asociación Médica Argentina (AMA)


  • ENGLISH Título: Programa Extracurricular de Inglés en la UBA, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA. Fluent speech and advanced writing.
  • FRENCH, Level 3 of 5. Título: Curso de Francés del departamento de Extensión Universitaria, Facultad de Medicina, UBA.
  • PORTUGUESE, Basic speaking and reading. 
  • CHINESE (Mandarin), Level 9/9: Asociación Cultural Chino-Argentina. 

Events Organized 

  • 2nd Latin American Workshop on Electroporation. Sao Paulo, Brazil. 22-23 November, 2019.
  • 1st Latin American Workshop on Electroporation. workshoplatinep.com. 8-9 October, 2018.
  • Taller Teórico Práctico de Electroporación en medicina veterinaria. De dictado cada 3 meses, desde 2018 hasta la actualidad.

Courses and Presentations

  • 3rd World Congress on Electroporation (3-6th September, 2019, Toulouse, France, https://wc2019.electroporation.net/) Lecture given: “Canine Oral Malignant Melanoma Treated with Electrochemotherapy”. Maglietti F, Tellado M, Michinski S, Marshall G, Signori E.
  • 2nd World Congress on Electroporation (24-28th September, 2017, Norfolk, USA, https://wc2017.electroporation.net/) Lecture given: “Increasing the area of permeabilization by means of increasing the number of pulses”. Maglietti F, Michinski S, Olaiz N, Tellado M, Marshall G.
  • EACR-24 (9-12 de Julio de 2016, Manchester, UK, http://eacr24.eacr.org/), poster presented: “Electrochemotherapy immune response enhancement by gene electrotransfer using IL-2 and IL-12 genes in canine patients”, Maglietti F., Michinski S., Signori E., Tellado M., Marshall G. With a grant for assisting from the European Association for Cancer Research.
  • Conference BIOEM 2015, Pacific Grove, California, USA. 2015. Lecture presented: The role of pH gradients in tissue electroporation-based treatments. 
  • Conference BIOEM 2015, Pacific Grove, CA, USA. 2015. Poster presented: Effects of pulsed electric fields on the polyphenols content, antioxidant capacity and juice extraction yield of orange fruit.  Surano B, Maglietti F, Cueto M, dos Santos C, Marshall G.
  • 6to Curso de Actualización en Oncología. Asociación Médica Argentina. 2014.
  • Scientific visit of 7 days to the Herlev Hospital, University of Conpenhagen, Herlev, Denmark. Partial funding from Herlev Hospital. Training in Gene Electrotransfer. 2014.
  • 7th Conference on Experimental and Translational Oncology. COST TD 1104 Action. Work presented: “Amelanotic melanoma of the root of the tongue in a canine patient treated by electrochemotherapy”. Portoroz, Slovenia, 2013. 
  • Probability and statistics (2013), Digital Techniques I (2013), Mathematical Analysis II (2011), Physics I (2012), Physics II (2012), Informatics I (2011), Informatics II (2012). Facultad de Ingeniería, UTN, BsAs, Argentina.
  • Bioelectrochemistry – Gordon Research Conference 2012. Barga, Italy. Poster presented: “pH changes induced by EGT and ECT pulse delivery in tissues“. F Maglietti et al. Partial funding for assisting the conference from Nature.
  • Mathematical Analysis I, Algebra, Chemistry, Physics, Sociedad y Estado, Pensamiento Científico. 2005. Ingeniería electrónica, Facultad de Ingeniería, UBA, Bs As, Argentina.
  • Good Laboratory Practices: Work with laboratory animals. 2012. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, UBA, Bs As, Argentina.
  • The Complex Membrane in the Electric Field – Gordon Research Conference. University of New England, Biddeford, Maine, USA. 2010. Poster presented: “Ion transport studies in the electrochemical treatment of tumours: Experiments and Simulations”. F Maglietti et al. With a grant from Gordon Research Conference.
  • Electroporation based Technologies and Treatments. International Scientific Workshop and Postgraduate Course – University of Ljubljana and Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2009